Shelbyville/Shelby County Animal Shelter Info

The Shelbyville/Shelby County Animal Shelter is located at 705 Hale Road in Shelbyville, Indiana.

They can be contacted at (317) 392-5127.  They are open Monday through Friday please see their Facebook page for current hours.   Please call them for additional information and any questions you may have.

You can like them on Facebook.  Here you will find the most up-to-date info on the pets as well as any changes in their schedule for being open to the public.

Microchipping and cremation services are available to the public at the shelter, please reach out to them for additional info and costs.

If you are thinking of getting a pet please stop at the shelter first and help a pet find a family.   You can view some of the pets available for adoption at and just type in Shelbyville, Indiana for the pets available at the shelter, please bear in mind that the availability does change daily due to adoptions and drop offs so if you see one you are interested in please call ahead.

This animal shelter keeps the pets until they can find a home so please look there first if you can adopt one that is looking for their family.  It’s great knowing that these pets can live there at the shelter until a family if found for them.

Thank you for your support! Stop by the shelter today to see the pets!